Our mission is to capture life, one story at a time.

Our origin story

“I had a relationship with my grandfather that was like one continuous conversation. While he passed in 2015, our relationship lives on in some very real ways—it's the kind of relationship where I can ask him a question and still get an answer.

It's also true that when he died, many of his stories vanished with him.

And when I was reading about the labor movement in the 1950s, I wanted him to tell me about working as an organizer in Buffalo. I really wanted to hear from him. I also wanted to talk with his fellow organizers—what was it like to be in the trenches with grandpa? What made him tick in '55?

Well, those conversations just weren't going to be possible.

The thing is—a lot of us want what I wanted that day and this recognition seeded Artifact.

Some months later, it took a conversation over a few beers with my friend, George Quraishi, to inspire the creation of the very first Artifacts for friends and family. Friends and family then started keeping us busy with requests to create more Artifacts. We've done so and we are now humbled to bring Artifact to you.

And about that friend who helped create those first Artifacts? He's now a co-founder. And Grandpa Gil, well, he's a co-founder too.”

—Ross Chanin, Co-Founder & CEO

The team behind Artifact

The Artifact team

Our values

How we interact with each other as people

We grow in each others’ presence.

How we work together

Front foot.
We disagree and commit.

How we serve our customers

We treat our customers' stories like they are our own.